So, 3 days, right?
Day 1: We talked a lot about stuff. Learning circles and Culture Shock stuff.
I think I'm in crisis-mode now, or maybe I'm just leaving it. Oh well, let's move to something more interesting:
Day 2: Yesterday, we had our first Community Impact Day! It was really awesome. Almost the whole cast went to the place where in 2002 was the biggest wildfire in all of Colorado's recorded history. Over there, we were doing a lot of stuff to restore the wild again, since it's still all to be restored. Of all the 1300 something acres that were destroyed, we managed to restore 5 acres, by planting trees, plucking threatening weeds and spreading grass all over the place. It's was so hard work, especially at this height (the altitude was killing me), but we managed to do it in a few hours. It felt so good after we finished!
When we got back, the president of UWP told us about his history with UWP and after that. Really interesting!
Day 3: today, not special. Okay, I was in a workshop today (I might be one of the singing quartet in the Love Medley) and the change is very big that I will be playing the saxophone in the show. But that's about all.
Ohyeah, we learned some Spanish today, in a spanish medley. That was cool though,
Ah well,
I'm tired, no special pictures anyway,
Okay, maybe a one:
Me looking like Chuck Norris!
I couldn't take my camera, but I got a few albums from other people,
Enjoy other people's pictures this time!
Hey Chuck,
Good job doing the CI project. Something new, he! Not your favourite thing, I know, but a great feeling afterwards, that you all succeeded in making a difference. The strength of you alltogether make a difference in the world. Nice pics of exhausted people after a hard-days work. Keep up the good work, son!
Love and kisses from Jline
Howdy Chuck, (hope you smell better!) We really missed your updates but knew that you are doing great. Fantastic stories and pics. Good to see everyone is overwhelmed with community service. (Or aren't you all?)
Curious to know what you meant with the culture shock! (AWE) Check your mailbox please. I am gonna write you a short mail.
Riegardas (you know my spanish is superb)
SSD - the B unleashed
Eindelijk ook een reactie van mij op je blog.
We zijn net terug uit de Ardennen waar ik telefoonbereik noch internet had.
Ik heb al je berichtjes weer even bijgelezen.
Leuke hoed! Staat je toch wel leuker dan die vlechtjes. ;-)
Echt tof wat jullie daar allemaal doen! Hard werken, maar wel hartstikke goed!
Bovendien, alles wat je doet krijg je er ook weer voor terug!
Groetjes en knuffels van iedereen hier.
Love you!
Kus, Esther.
Hi Freek!
So you've been up to a lot eh! Sounds all pretty good to me!~
Like to hear about what you're doing and all that, but what if your show us a little more of you(changed) visions. Like, how massive groups/different cultures effect you as a person; how people react on you; how you react on people; if the American people are what you ecpected them to be; if you learn a lot about yourself; if you grow up:p; what's your main goal in joining this trip; in what way you think you're gonna change etc.
Again, I like your stories, but I think it's really interesting to hear more about the more 'deeper' subjects.
Maybe I'm the only one who's curious in that way, and ofcourse, it's your own decision to do something with it or not.
Nevertheless, Keep up the Great WORK!
Koos Tervooren
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