Saturday, July 26, 2008

About today

Today was completely different from normal.
We started with morning-meating as usual, which was followed by "Education Training #2". Me and Cheryssa gave a short "workshop" to the rest of the cast, and I think it was pretty educational to us too. We learned a lot about how to teach little kids. Very good.

After that: HomeTeaming! Yeah!
We are hometeam 7 (I might have said that before), and we are just the most awesome team ever. We did some fun games to tighten the bonds between our team, and we keep up with a name:
The Dark Sprinkles, where "Dark" is prounced very Dark. Sprinkles is the complete opposite of that, and is said in the most cute voice you have.
Well, we have some "Team 7 Insiders" now, which is cool.

After THAT: Pizza for lunch and then a stroll around Denver with some people. We were doing this game which I forget the name of, where you have a list of questions and objectives you need to fullfill and that is only possible by going around Denver. It has been very cool. I liked it.

Well, after that: HOME
Man, my blisters have blisters.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow: We're going wild-water-rafting!

Well, I need my sleep, so I'm off now!
Pictures will be on the hold, sorry,



Anonymous said...

Ooh wild water rafting, that seems awesome! Must admit I'm getting jealous :P
But only for a week more, then I'll have enough to do in Greece ^^

have fun,

Anonymous said...

Hey Freek,
Hope you have a nice day today doing the wild water rafting. Enjoy! Look forward to seeing the pics.
The weather is getting very bad very quickly at the moment (thunder, ligthning) so I have to close down the computer.
Later and kisses