We woke up at 5 in the morning, to leave for the borrorace (A borro is a crossbreed between a donkey and a horse) in South Park, yes indeed, the one from the series! It just so happens that my hostdad, hostbrothers and me were supposed to be one of the "checkpoints" for the race. (checkpoint 8).
So we drove the 4runner up to the mountain, that high that not even trees could live there, only some moss! It was just so cool, there was still snow up there, and we were about 5 kilometers in the air, on the highest pass in the whole rocky mountains "Musquito Pass".
(It got it's name because there was a musquito smashed in the book where they record all names and stuff, and not because there were 1000000000 musquito's on the way)
So, anyways, our checkpoint was located near an old mine, and there was still some wreckage all over the place, which made some great pictures! (I'm thinking about using those as visual aid in RPG's like D&D)
Also, since we were that high in the mountains, I got some great pictures of the mountains. It's really cool, but I can't upload them all, since there will be around 300 of those...
Instead, I will post a picture of me in south park, and... we
Hé dude,
too bad, you missed Mr. Hankey!
I am not going to say that I would like to be there with you. NO WAY I am going to say that!
Sir Simon D
Hey Herbert,
GREAT you were at South Park! Again nice pics. Wanna see them all some time. UWP and host family bring you to special places. I informed the family to read your today's blog regarding the special location. Enjoy, my love. xx Jline
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