So, what did we do? Well, first, we went to one of Denver's theatres (see above image) where we got an introductionshow for everyone on our cast. Ex-participants of the program showed and sang some of the songs we are going to do as well. The UWP-president spoke to all of us and welcomed us all. We got introduced to the staff and some current participants told why they joined the program.
After the introductionprogram we got some kind of a meeting-reception. It was very cool, since we all got to meet eachother!
I really enjoyed those few hours, and I'm really forward to getting to know everyone better.
Right now, I'm going to prepare for tomorrow and then I'm going to sleep.
But first:
PICTURES! (I appologize: I can't flip some of the pictures. I'll find out how to do so soon!)
About the pics:
Grouppic: The complete cast, and flags of all participating countries in the background.
The girl: She's one of the ex-participants. She sang for us today and she has the most powerfull voice ever, even though she's blind.
The man: That's our president :)
Nice pictures!
great blog!
Enjoyed it!!
hi dear freek, we in fochteloo and smz really like your blog, your pictures and your enthousiasm. look forward to reading you again, honey. kinda great.....greetings from mum and dad and the others.
Dying to hear more Freek!
Sounds like a huge mix of different people with different cultures, who connect just with their passions. It all sounds pretty great and keep up your writing!
I'm sure you will learn a lot, have tons of fun and maybe even grow up!:P
Fred, I know you will come back as a traveller, but don't get the hang on this kind of stuff, otherwise the people here in Holland have got to miss you more often!
Cheers and ejoy your stay on this beautifull planet with billions of beautifull places to discover. May your vision be wide!
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