see you later!
No, wait, lets just don't do that! I'll start at the top of today.
So, I woke up, took a shower, prepared and *speed forwards* when we finished morning meeting at the UWP "center", the modules started again. I only had dance modules left, so I changed clothes and prepared myself. Okay, I'm so happy nobody of you readers saw me, 'cause I looked like a baby-giraffe learning to walk... Man, that was dreadfull...
So, after that, I had, like 2 hours of free time, which I used playing random games with random people. Pretty funny, and it made me forget my horrible dancing for a bit.
Lunch was up next. I talked to two Japanese girls during the whole lunch, which was very difficult (since they are not the best English speakers in the cast), but it was really funny and I learned some Japanese and Japanese culture. (I will include a picture of the girls on the bottum)
So, after that, we all talked about how we should learn from other people's culture (which I actually did during lunch), which was kinda boring. I saw some people fall asleep, (but it wasn't THAT boring though...)
When we finished, we DIDN'T have fitness. (Hurray). Instead, we were thought how to dance (the Hurray was gone when I heard that). But it was kinda cool, actually. We learned the basics of our first dance which we will perform onstage.
So, diner after that, followed by Culture Jam. Culture Jam is, like, everybody on the cast may or may not perform something typical for their country. So me and the other Dutch people all sang our national anthem. (Pictures below again)
So, on one picture, you see me, with all the Dutch people, singin the national anthem and telling about our national colors.
On the other picture, it's me with the two Japanese girl I was having lunch with: Eriko and Ai. They are wearing their kimono's for Culture Jam here...
More next time, I'm tired now,
these long days are tiring me out... One day seems like... more days put in one!
Oh well, maybe I'll have some time Sunday, maybe I can upload a lot of pictures then.
See you next time,
(Post scriptum: this post has a delay because the video didn't want to upload. I'm sorry about that!)
(Post post scriptum: the answer to your homework was: "You don't look fat in that pants")
1 comment:
He Hank,
Good for you! No fittness!
And you must have herited your dancing skills from your dad. He's more a headbanger as you know.
We enjoy your journal very much and love the picutures as well. We are dying to see more pictures!
Keep well and enjoy every moment.
Kisses and hugs from us.
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