Monday, March 31, 2008

Whoa! Big Fish!

Updating yet again!

Today, I was calling with one of my potential sponsors, and guess what! I got a big fish!
Yeah! Biggest one yet! I'm so happy, I could jump a hole in the air! (If only I could...)

So, that's the most exciting news since yesterday. Also one of the preparations they asked me to do was record my voice and sing a song. I sang one song today, and I will post it here, eventually...
The song was "Get Rhythm"(I love to type that word) from "Johnny Cash"!

Well, gotta go!


Sunday, March 30, 2008


So, I'm updating again!

I figured that I should make a habit of posting frequently. That way, a blog will get interesting and people will start/keep reading all this! Hurray!

Time is passing by. I think I know how to use almost every possibility of this blog. I can hide previous posts, but then I thought, "Why should I delete that post again? It's also part of this blog, and it stays visible! Point!"

Well, nothing really commentworthy happened here. I'm still busy calling, e-mailing, visiting or some other way of contacting my sponsors. Seeking sponsors was a good thing! They keep me active, and they give me another motivation to do my best! I can't let them down, now that they entrust me to do a little good in the world!

Sponsors, I will do my best!
Readers, you should too! Do your best!


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Learning how to use this blog

Just like all of you might have seen, I am currently learning how to use this blog. This is the first time that I am going to use a weblog, so it's completely new for me.
Forgive me if not everything is looking good at the moment, I'm trying my hardest!

What this update is all about: I guess I just put up two logo's of some of my sponsors.

Yeey! Mission accomplished! Now, I have to figure out how to delete the previous post. It's like a scar on a 'to-be' perfect something... Ah, forget it! I will find out eventually!

Till next time!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Well, this is for testing if I can work with this!
Don't blame it on me if it doesn't work, mister personal computer

EDIT: So, it works