Sunday, April 13, 2008

Fund Raising Blooper? Nah...

So, it's been three days since the last update, right? Well, I've been very busy! Exams are eating my time like cookies! Can you imagine?
And I still have to earn money! What to do, what to do?

And then, I had another opportunity! The yearly, local Play-Backshow (you know, a show where the whole village is pretending to sing othere people's songs) was coming up! Every year, the best three 'play-backers' get a small money-price! "Maybe I can use it to earn a little pocket money for my trip!", is what I thought...

So, I started practising... I decided to do 'lauwe pis' from Theo Maassen, since it also has some talking, which I very hard, and because of that: very good to score points!
And yesterday, the playbackshow took place. And, well, somehow I ended up winning the first price, hurray! But... sad but true, this year no money-price...

I still have my price: a playbackshow-cup, which is great off-course! Well, I guess I ran out off luck this time ;)

Now... think of another way to earn money...


Siddin said...

Ach, pech man!
Ik wens je die geldprijs alleszins toe, je hebt er eentje verdiend.
Misschien win je de lotto?

Anonymous said...

Ik heb het zo druk met de examens!
hé, een playbackshow!
Ik heb het zo druk met de examens!
hypocriet? :P