Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Oye el boom, boom, boom, de mi corazón

So, today was the last day in the Sherman Centre, the place where we've been going to for practice and where we've been all the time so far!
Tomorrow, we will be in a local highschool called "Teikyo Lerado Heights", where we will have our first show on saturday! Can you believe it? We haven't even been here for 3 weeks, and we're already getting ready for dress rehearsel!

So, on request: what is changing me?
This is a very interesting question, since the program is focused on teaching people and letting them grow. They want you to reflect on your own situation.
So far, I could name a few of the obvious things:
My dancing skills have inproved, my vocal skills have too. I have expanded my vocabulary of a lot of languages, including English and Spanish!

But there are a lot of "hidden" changes as well, which are less obvious, but are certainly there. They are, in my opinion, by far more interesting, for they are growth of the spirit and mind, not just of the brain:
- I understand why my mother always was talking about "comunication", and I am now getting used to do so more often then I used to.
- I am more confident and my self-esteem has grown.
- I realized just how much time can change. I get the feeling I know all the people here for years already. It also seems ages since I last saw my family and friends... On the other hand: it looks like I arrived here just yesterday. Everything still looks completely new and the in one or two weeks, I'll be in Mexico! Can you believe it? At that point, I'm already on 20% of my trip.
- These past few weeks in America helped me gain a few dreams: I want to make a movie or series someday. Also, I'm in love with the concept of "build-a-bear", and if I'm still when I get back home, I might take steps to make a dutch version.
- I respect hard work more then ever. I work her for 9 hours per day on 6 days a week (exception is Wednesday, which is 12 hours per day), and never before am I willing to do so. It's for a good cause, and that is good for personal growth.
- I have expanded my comfort zone very broadly! I don't know my limits at the moment, and everyday, I am growing.
- I started to respect things you don't like, for that is the main power of personal growth!

So, what about the title of this topic.

It is spanish for "my heart is going like 'boom, boom, boom'", which has 2 meanings for me:
1> I love my girlfriend. I truly do, and the thought about her does indeed let my heart beat a little faster than usual.
2> The excitement of the trip is truly an inspiring moment of the heart for me. I can't express it in words...

Sorry, no pictures today! I haven't made any interesting pictures the last few days, and they are not on my laptop either, so... maybe later!

I'm going to quit this long post now! I hope to hear from everyone soon!


love to Esther


Anonymous said...

Oh oh lieve Freek,
Ben erg geraakt door je blog van vandaag! Man wat ben je al gegroeid en wat heerlijk om over je dromen te lezen. Inderdaad, het zijn nu bijna 4 weken en in sommige opzichten lijkt t langer. Nog een hele poos te gaan en te genieten. Fijn dat je open staat voor alle ervaringen. Beretrots op je! Heel veel succes met de voorstelling van zaterdag! Love and kisses <3 Jline

Anonymous said...


Great Post! I think this is exaclty what the readers need to see the 'whole' thing(ie) in the right perspective!

Don't grow too much, I think I'm not able to stand the fact that you grew above my height!


Anonymous said...

He Hank,

Being a bad boy ain't that bad.
But it is so cool to read about the things you learn and feel after three weeks already.

Great to see and read that you are totally an UWP dude! Love it man!

Big Kiss from Bert (dad)