Sunday, November 9, 2008

Colorado Springs, Military Post coming Up (with People)

Hey, welcome back!

So, after an amazing week in Albuquerque, we came back to Colorado! However, not to the same hostfamilies as before (In Denver and Breckenridge), but in Colorado Springs!

Colorado Springs is famous for some very high peaks that lie within it’s region in the Rocky Mountains. (No, we didn’t go there) It also holds the base of an American Military Post. (Don’t say base! It’s the wrong word!)

Maybe you are wondering why Up With People would go to a place where the military is very strongly represented? Well, for one thing, it’s a totally new experience for most of us. The majority of us were hosted with military families and a lot of our time was spend at the military post. For another thing, the military is a big issue in the USA, or so I noticed. A lot of pride goes towards those who fight in the war for freedom.

In this city, we did not have a beneficiary that would normally receive the money that we get for doing a show. Instead, we let all the military families come to our show for free! The money would go towards the military anyway, so this was a good solution!

Now about my host family. I had a mom (Mary) and a dad(Bill). Mom worked as a massager, and dad was a top man who thwarts internet pirates who do child porn and stuff. He’s a good man with an honorable job. Before that, he was a policeman.
One of their kids was in the war. I did not get to meet him, but I met the other two of them (Chris and Justin), and they were awesome.

So, this week, I was hosted with the Chinese guy from our cast: Steven! Hehe, he’s such a cool host-brother! He’s a businessman in China, and you could notice it from a lot of things he did or said. Always asking questions about “the system of this”, or whatever. It wasn’t just once that I walked into his room, when he was surfing on Wikipedia, looking for business strategies that they use in other countries (I caught him on USA and Denmark, but who knows what else). Anyway, he’s a good guy!

Oh, something else! In this city, we did not do any Community Impact! Instead, we spent a lot of time (3 days) in classrooms, doing our “Stand For Peace” program! It was a lot of fun! I always get such funny classes!

We also went bowling this week! I got a low score of just 150… bummer… But we had a lot of fun! xD

So, Colorado Springs was pretty awesome! I had some good times hanging out with Steven, Justin and the rest of the family!
Before this week, I wasn’t very fond of anything that had to do with war, from whichever side. However, during this week, I talked a lot with my hostfamily about the war and the police, and it was all very interesting. I think I learned how militaries come to exist, and good or bad, they will always be there.

My lifelesson for you guys out there:
A conflict does not have a good and a bad side. It does not have a holy and an unholy side.
Instead, a conflict exists of two forces of good with different styles. Not understanding the good side of the other, one’s nature will make you believe the other is evil.
It’s like you were saying a white man and a black man cannot be of the same species. This is of course a big flaw in mankind’s thoughtprocess.
Someone’s outside does not represent the inside. It’s the differences that make us unique, but the similarities will always be there. Being unique is as good as being the same.
Price both of them. Learn to accept the differences. Appreciate it that not everyone is the same as you, and that not everyone has the same style as you. If the styles are too far apart, look for the similarities, and you are bound to find a friend in any man or woman.

Have a good rest,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He Hank,

Enjoyed this new blog very much. Nice to see how things work and work out for you.
I am proud to learn that you have an open mind to serious stuff as army, war and law and order.
Anyway, we also visited Colorado and it truely is a lovely state. He man, keep up and be sure you are missed here!

Kisses and embrace.

Bert (Dad)